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Jack London's Martin Eden: Bibliography

Anderson, Lisa. “Justice to Ruth Morse: The Devolution of a Character in Martin Eden.” The Call: The Magazine of the Jack London Society. 10.1-2 (2008): 11-14

Baskett, Sam S. "Jack London: 'in the Midst of It All'." Jack London: One Hundred Years a Writer. Eds. Sara S. Hodson and Jeanne Campbell Reesman. San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 2002. 123-46.

---. "Martin Eden: Jack London's Poem of the Mind." Modern Fiction Studies 22 (1976): 23-36.

---. "Martin Eden: Jack London's 'Splendid Dream'." Western American Literature 12 (1977): 199-214.

Boll, T. E. M. "The Divine Fire (1904) and Martin Eden (1909)." English Literature in Transition (1880-1920) 14 (1971): 115-17.

Brandt, Kenneth Kurtis. "A Textual Study of Jack London's 'Martin Eden'." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.12 (1999): 4425.

Burton, Howard A. "The Human Bondage of Martin Eden and the Literary Bondage of the Modern Reader." Annotator (Purdue University) 4 (1954): 10-15.

Bush, Glen Paul. "Rebellion, Time, and Death as Archetypal Structures in Jack London's Novels: Martin Eden, the Iron Heel, and the Star Rover." Dissertation Abstracts International 49.2 (1988): 253A.

Campbell, Donna M. Resisting Regionalism: Gender and Naturalism in American Fiction, 1885-1915. Athens: Ohio U P, 1997.

Christopher, Renny. "Rags to Riches to Suicide: Unhappy Narratives of Upward Mobility: Martin Eden, Bread Givers, Delia's Song, and Hunger of Memory." College Literature 29.4 (2002): 79-108.

DeGuzmán, María, and Debbie López. "Algebra of Twisted Figures: Transvaluation in Martin Eden." Jack London: One Hundred Years a Writer. Eds. Sara S. Hodson and Jeanne Campbell Reesman. San Marino, CA:Huntington Library, 2002. 98-122.

Derrick, Scott. "Making a Heterosexual Man: Gender, Sexuality, and Narrative in the Fiction of Jack London." Rereading Jack London. Eds. Leonard Cassuto, Jeanne Campbell Reesman and Earle Labor: Stanford UP, Stanford, CA Pagination: 110-29, 1996. xvii, 287.

Dunn, N. E., and Pamela Wilson. "The Significance of Upward Mobility in Martin Eden." Jack London Newsletter 5.1 (1972): 1-8.

Fuller, Frank A. "'Martin Eden' and Critical Realism." American Book Collector 17.3 (1966): 19-21.

Furer, Andrew J. "Jack London, Bernarr Macfadden, and the Crime of Weakness." Jack London Journal 5 (1998): 72-79.

Glass, Loren. "Nobody's Renown: Plagiarism and Publicity in the Career of Jack London." American Literature 71.3 (1999): 529-.

Hamilton, David Mike. "The Tauchnitz Martin Eden." Jack London Newsletter 9 (1976): 42-43.

Haney, William. "Martin Eden: The Failure of Individualism." Jack London Newsletter 12 (1979): 38-41.

Kim, Yung Min. "A 'Patriarchal Grass House' of His Own: Jack London's Martin Eden and the Imperial Frontier." American Literary Realism 34.1 (2001): 1-17.

Lewis, Ward B. "The Politics of Jack London During the Weimar Republic." Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 37.2 (1987): 187-98.

Lindquist, Barbara. "Jack London, Aesthetic Theory, and Nineteenth-Century Popular Science." Western American Literature 32.2 (1997): 99-.

London, Jack. Novels & Social Writings. Library of America. New York, N.Y.: Literary Classics of the United States : Distributed to the trade by the Viking Press, 1982. PS3523.O46 A6 1982c

London, Jack, Dale L. Walker, and Jeanne Campbell Reesman. No Mentor but Myself : Jack London on Writers and Writing. 2nd ed. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1999.

Maffi, Mario. "Jack London in Italy: On Some Recent Editions of Martin Eden." Jack London Newsletter 13 (1980): 12-19.

Martin, John E. "Martin Eden, a London Superman Adventurer: A Case Study of the Americanization of European Ideology." Die Amerikanische Literatur in Der Weltliteratur: Themen Und Aspekte. Eds. Claus Uhlig and Volker Bischoff: Schmidt, Berlin Pagination: 218-230, 1982. 504.

McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. "Jack London's Martin Eden: The Multiple Dimensions of a Literary Masterpiece." Jack London: One Hundred Years a Writer. Eds. Sara S. Hodson and Jeanne Campbell Reesman. San Marino, CA:Huntington Library, 2002. 77-97.

Moreland, Kim. "The Attack on the Nineteenth-Century Heroine Reconsidered: Women in Jack London's Martin Eden." Markham Review 13 (1983): 16-20.

Morgan, Richard. "Naturalism, Socialism and Jack London's Martin Eden." Jack London Newsletter 10 (1977): 13-22.

Ownbey, Ray Wilson. Jack London, Essays in Criticism. Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, 1978.PS3523.O46 Z652

Pease, Donald E. "Martin Eden and the Limits of the Aesthetic Experience." Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture 25.1 (1998): 139-60.

Poole, Gordon. "The Drunken Scheherazade: Self-Reflection in Jack London's the Road, Martin Eden and John Barleycorn." RSA Journal: Rivista di Studi Nord-Americani 1 (1990): 69-80.

Rachid, Amina. "Popular Voice in the Novel: A Comparative Study of Fikry El- Kholy's Al-Rihla (the Journey), Jack London's Martin Eden, and Jules Vallès's Trilogy." Images of Egypt in Twentieth Century Literature. Ed. Hoda Gindi: Dept. of Eng. Lang. & Lit., Fac. of Arts, Univ. of Cairo, Cairo Pagination: 355-66, 1991. x, 437.

Reesman, Jeanne Campbell. Jack London: A Study of the Short Fiction. Twayne's Studies in Short Fiction ; No. 75. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1999. PS3523.O46 Z8665 1999

Reesman, Jeanne Campbell. Jack London's Racial Lives: A Critical Biography. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2009. Print.

Reesman, Jeanne Campbell, and Sara S. Hodson. Jack London: One Hundred Years a Writer. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library Press, 2002. PS3523.O46 Z654 2002

Robert, Nora Ruth. "The Intersection of Derrida, Williams and Eagleton in the Text of Martin Eden." Left Curve 19 (1995): 120-26.

Spangler, George M. "Divided Self and World in Martin Eden." Jack London Newsletter 9 (1976): 118-26.

Spinner, Jonathan H. "Jack London's Martin Eden: The Development of the Existential Hero." Michigan Academician: Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 3.1 (1970): 43-48.

Terrier, Michel. "Culture Et Societe Dans Martin Eden." Europe: Revue Litteraire Mensuelle 561-562 (1976): 64-71.

Tietze, Thomas R. "Teaching Aesthetics: Art and the Artist on Jack London's Martin Eden." Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction 5.1 (2004): 78-88.

Trubek, Anne. "Picturing Time: American Realism and the Problem of Perspective." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.10 (1999): 3822-23.

Venturino, Steven. "Yen-Mo Ma-Ting I-Teng Te I-Shih-Hsing-T'ai Mei-Hsüeh." Wai guo wen xue/Foreign Literatures 66.2 (1997): 19-.

Walker, Franklin. "Jack London, Martin Eden." The American Novel from James Fenimore Cooper to William Faulkner. Ed. Wallace Stegner: Basic, New York Pagination: 133-143, 1965.

Watson, Charles N., Jr. "The Composition of Martin Eden." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 53.3 (1981): 397-.

Weitzel, Roy L. "Toward a 'Bright White Light': London's Use of Swinburne in Martin Eden." Jack London Newsletter 7.1 (1974): 1-8.

Whitson, Carolyn. "Fatal Attractions: Cross-Class Romances in the Working- Class Novels of London, Chute and Smedley." The Image of Class in Literature, Media, and Society. Eds. Will Wright and Steven Kaplan: Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, CO Pagination: 135- 38, 1998.

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