Terms for Discussing Fiction

Matching exercise

Choose the correct word for each picture

Deliberate underplaying or undervaluing of a thing to create emphasis or irony.
The ways in which the author conveys attitudes about the story material and toward the reader.
Point of view in which one third-person character's thoughts are revealed but the other characters' thoughts are not.
The major or central idea of a work.
Objects, incidents, speeches, and characters that have meanings beyond themselves.
The manipulation of language to create certain effects.
The way in which a plot is assembled: chronologically, through dreams, speeches, fragments, etc.
The reporting of actions in chronological sequence. E. M. Forster: "The King died, and then the Queen died."
Flat characters who represent a class or group. Examples: the braggart soldier, the shrewish wife, the hypocritical Puritan, and so forth.
Flat characters that exhibit no attributes except those of their class.
A type of irony emphasizing that human beings are enmeshed in forces beyond their comprehension and control.
Comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as."
A work's natural, manufactured, political, cultural, and temporal environment, including everything that the characters know and own.
Story told from the perspective of "you" (uncommon). Example: Lorrie Moore's "How to Become a Writer."
E. M. Forster: "are dynamic--capable of surprising the reader in a convincing way." Round characters recognize, change with, and adjust to circumstances.
The main character of a story; the character around whom the conflict is centered.
The voice of the story; the story from the perspective of the person doing the speaking. Examples: first person, second person,
third person omniscient, third person limited omniscient, third person dramatic or objective.
The development and resolution of a conflict; includes the element of causation. E. M. Forster: "The king died, and the queen died of grief."
A short, simple allegory with a moral or religious bent.
Attributing human attributes or actions to nonhuman things or abstractions.
Exaggeration for effect.
Point of view in which an authorial voice reveals all the characters' thoughts; may include commentary by the author.
A turn-of-the-century literary movement in which heredity and environment determine human fate.
A narrative story associated with the religion, philosophy, or collective psychology of various societies and cultures.
Comparison of two unlike things; describing some unlike thing in terms of something understandable to the reader.
The discrepancy between what is perceived and what is revealed; language and situations that seem to reverse normal expectations.
Type of story or theme in which a character moves from innocence to experience.
A character that is static and does not grow
Narration from the perspective of "I" or "We."
A story that features animals with human traits and "morals" or explanations.
sudden sense of radiance and revelation that one may feel while perceiving a commonplace object
hird person point of view in which no authorial commentary reveals characters' thoughts
Situational irony in which a character perceives his or her plight in a limited way while the audience and one or more other characters understand it entirely.
symbol recognized and shared as a result of common social and cultural heritage.
Situational irony that is connected to a pessimistic or fatalistic view of life.
A symbol specific to a particular work that gathers its meaning from the context of the work.
The essence of plot; the opposition between two forces.
The verbal representation of a human being, with all the good and bad traits of being human.
The emotional aura that a work evokes; the permeating emotional texture within a work
a complete and self-contained symbolic narrative signifying another set of conditions.

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