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Edith Wharton (1862-1937)

Picture of Edith Wharton

[Edith Wharton]


Selected Bibliography on The House of Mirth
Selected Bibliography: The Custom of the Country
Discussion Questions on The Custom of the Country
Edith Wharton: A Life in Pictures and Text
Edith Wharton Quiz
Illustrations from the first edition of The House of Mirth.
An Edith Wharton Crossword Puzzle
Excerpts from published criticism on "The Other Two" and "Roman Fever"

  • The Edith Wharton Society Site provides links to all of Wharton's works available online, bibliographies, questions and answers about Wharton, and links to other sites. 
  • Edith Wharton Restoration at The Mount
  • Edith Wharton's World. An outstanding photo collection from an exhibit at the Smithsonian curated by Eleanor Dwight and Viola Hopkins Winner. Picture at top is courtesy of this source. 
    Works Available Online (For poems and other works, go to the Wharton Society site.)
    Novels and Novellas
  • The Touchstone (1900).Text file from Project Gutenberg.
  • The Valley of Decision (1902)
  • The House of Mirth (1905).Text file from Project Gutenberg
  • Madame de Treymes (1907). Illustrated HTML at Virginia. 
  • The Fruit of the Tree (1907)
  • Ethan Frome (1911). HTML at litrix.com.
  • The Reef (1912). Text file from Project Gutenberg.
  • The Custom of the Country (1913); serialized in Scribner's from January to November 1913
  • Summer(1917).Text file from Project Gutenberg.
  • The Marne (1918)
  • The Age of Innocence(1920). Text file from Project Gutenberg.
  • The Glimpses of the Moon (1922). Text file from Project Gutenberg.
  • A Son at the Front (1923)
  • Old New York (1924)
  • The Mother's Recompense (1925)
  • Twilight Sleep (1927)
  • The Children (1928)
  • Hudson River Bracketed (1929)
  • The Gods Arrive (1932)
  • The Buccaneers (1938)

  • Fast and Loose (1977)

    Edith Wharton's Verses Alphabetically Arranged

    Short Stories

  • Links to individual stories at Hanover University.  Alphabetically arranged links to HTML versions of stories at the University of Virginia.
  • Wharton's Works at the Internet Public Library (1). Alphabetically arranged links to HTML versions of stories at the University of Virginia
  • Wharton's Works at the Internet Public Library (2). Alphabetically arranged links to HTML versions of stories at the University of Virginia
  • The Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton, volume 1. Text files at Project Gutenberg. Includes "Kerfol," "Mrs. Manstey's View," "The Bolted Door," "The Dilettante," "The House of the Dead Hand," and  poems
  • The Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton, volume 2. Text files at Project Gutenberg. Includes "Afterward," "The Fulness of Life," "A Venetian Night's Entertainment," "Xingu," "The Verdict," "The Reckoning," and poems.
  • The Greater Inclination (1899)
  • Crucial Instances (1901)
  • The Descent of Man, and Other Stories (1904)
  • The Hermit and the Wild Woman and Other Stories (1908). Stories: 
  • Tales of Men and Ghosts (1910)
  • Xingu and Other Stories (1916); includes "Bunner Sisters" 
  • Here and Beyond (1926)
  • Certain People (1930)
  • Human Nature (1933)
  • The World Over (1936)

  • Ghosts (1937)

    Essays, Travel Sketches, and Nonfiction

  • The Decoration of Houses (1897)
  • Italian Villas and Their Gardens (1904)
  • A Motor-Flight Through France (1908)
  • Fighting France from Dunquerque to Belforte (1915, 1918) Illustrated HTML version at Carnegie Mellon.
  • French Ways and their Meaning (1919)
  • In Morocco (1920)
  • The Writing of Fiction (1925)
  • A Backward Glance (1934)
  • The Letters of Edith Wharton (ed.) R. W. B. Lewis and Nancy Lewis (1988)

  • About this site
    Photograph reproduced from The Letters of Edith Wharton, edited by R. W. B. Lewis and Nancy Lewis (New York: Macmillan/Collier Books, 1988).