Themes and Symbols in Fiction

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1 Which character(s) can be said to experience an epiphany?
Dee in "Everyday Use"
The Grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find"
Ab Snopes in "Barn Burning"
The boy in "Araby"
The musician in "The Portable Phonograph"

2 Water as a symbol, especially of renewal or rebirth, occurs in which stories?
"The Blue Hotel"
"Everyday Use"
"The Chrysanthemums"
"The Horse Dealer's Daughter"
"The Story of an Hour"

3 Which stories feature the theme of initiation, or the character's progression from innocence to experience or knowledge about the world?
"First Confession"
"Young Goodman Brown"
"Barn Burning"
"The Yellow Wallpaper"

4 A conflict between generations is important in which stories?
"The Yellow Wallpaper"
"Two Kinds"
"How to Become a Writer"
"Soldier's Home"
"Young Goodman Brown"

5 Which stories feature a figure of intentional evil or Satan figure?
"A Good Man is Hard to Find"
"Everyday Use"
"The Yellow Wallpaper"
"Young Goodman Brown"
"The Chrysanthemums"

6 Which story features the significant names Delacroix, Summers, Hutchinson, and Graves?
"Young Goodman Brown"
"The Lottery"
"Everyday Use"
"The Portable Phonograph"

7 Which story features characters who are known more by nationality or occupation than by names?
"The Horse-Dealer's Daughter"
"The Blue Hotel"
"The Story of an Hour"
"Two Kinds"

8 What story features an enormous stove, a pack of scattered cards, a game of High-Five, and a blizzard?
"Two Kinds"
"The Portable Phonograph"
"The Horse-Dealer's Daughter"
"The Blue Hotel"

9 Which stories have religion as a significant theme or issue?
"The Story of an Hour"
"Young Goodman Brown"
"First Confession"
"A Good Man is Hard to Find"
"How to Become a Writer"

10 In "Araby," the narrator describes an overgrown garden with a central apple tree. What cultural or universal symbol or allusion might he be referring to here?
Johnny Appleseed
the dangerous woods
the Irish Revolution
the Garden of Eden
Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe