News and Updates

The Howells Society is moving to

You'll be able to access the site at our same address,

The new site will allow us to post your notices directly to the front page of the site, and it has an easier interface and better search feature. Questions? Contact Donna Campbell at

This site will remain available but won't be updated. Some stable content (archives of conference information, Howells's works), the content here has been moved to the other site. 

This page will take you to the new site in 10 seconds.

12 July. Catch up on your summer reading of The Howellsian

15 May. Howells Society panels at ALA 2013.

  • Sign up for the howells-l discussion list (Easy web form)
    Become a member of the Howells Society NewPaypal payment option

    Howells in the News

    List of Howells's addresses

  • William Dean Howells in 1907
    2011-2013 Officers

    President: Lance Rubin, 2011-2013
    Vice President, (open)
    Secretary and Treasurer: Mischa Renfroe, Middle Tennessee State University,
    Editor of The Howellsian: Paul Petrie, Southern Connecticut State University
    Editor of The Howellsian: Paul Petrie, Southern Connecticut State University
      Past officers

    American Literature Association

    The William Dean Howells Society disseminates information on the life and works of the American author William Dean Howells and facilitates the exchange of facts, ideas, and texts concerning Howells and those authors significantly associated with him. Its activities include lectures, discussions, presentations by panels at scholarly conferences, and the publication of The Howellsian and the HOWELLS-L Discussion List

    Note: Terms of office date from the ALA meeting in May at which the election was held. Thus the current terms of office run from the end of May 2009 to the end of May 2011. The Vice President arranges the ALA program for the years of his or her terms of office.

    Comments to campbelld at wsu dot edu.